Vice President College / University
I recently told one my students, ”Playing in someone else’s sandbox is ALWAYS educational.” In other words, that particular student needed to get off campus and explore some of the other theatre opportunities that awaited them – and whether the experience was a “mountain top” or not, it would definitely be educational.
Make no mistake; we (the instructors, mentors, directors, and designers) are no different. We need to get out of our own comfort zones and STRETCH ourselves – learn from others and experience new things. So…I present this “Alphabet Soup” listing of ways you might stretch your own creativity in the coming months.
KC-ACTF: Whether you want to “take the show on the road” or stay at home, the Kennedy Center-American College Theatre Festival has opportunities to present your work and receive critical and instructive feedback on your productions. This year, Texas is hosting THREE state festivals – there is one near you! These festivals are an excellent way to help students network and prepare for their next steps as theatre practitioners. Find out more at
Texas I State
October 17 - 20
San Jacinto College
Pasadena, TX 77505
Host: Jerry Ivins
Texas II State
October 24 - 27
Angelo State
San Angelo, TX
Host: Mike Burnett
Texas III State
November 1 - 3
Tarrant County
Arlington, TX
Host: Pert Durapau
TETA: Of course, you know ALL ABOUT this. Our annual conferences are the highlight of many a teacher’s and student’s year. Houston will again be the host for the January 2013 TheatreFest – consider bringing your own expertise and present a session for your colleagues! Great information can be found at
TETA-AC: The Texas Educational Theatre Association Adjudicator’s Committee helps certify and re-certify the adjudicators provided for the Texas UIL One-Act Play festivals that fill up the spring semester. Do you remember your UIL OAP days fondly?? Then take the next step and become a certified critic judge. Certification workshops are offered during the TheatreFest conference every January. Be a part of this exciting educational process! Get more info by going to
TCCSTA: Designed specifically for two-year colleges, the Texas Community College Speech and Theatre Association hosts a Festival each spring, generally the weekend before the KC-ACTF Regional Festival. Join other colleges for four exciting days of theatre – students are eligible for technical and acting awards, and productions receive a rating and critique from two respondents. See more at
TCCSTA Play Festival
February 27 –
March 2, 2013
Lone Star
Tomball, TX
Host: Sherri Ryan
ATHE: The mother of all conferences – the American Theatres of Higher Education annual conference each summer – generally held someplace amazing! This coming summer ATHE will be in Orlando, Florida – sounds like a great reason to attend, present, absorb, and then go to theme parks until the fall semester begins! If you have an interest – ATHE has a group for you… LGBTQ, Playwrights and Creative Teams, Theatre and Social Change, Directing, Association for Asian Performance, Latina/o Focus Group, Acting, Theatre as Liberal Art, Music Theatre/Dance, Religion and Theatre. Join your colleagues on the national level! Good stuff can be found at
I’ve reached the bottom of my bowl of Alphabet Soup – and I’m sure that I have missed MANY groups and opportunities that each of us has to broaden our own horizons! As you prepare for the Fall Semester, don’t forget to plan some time for yourself, attend one (or more) of these and STRETCH yourself!