Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to This Year's Destiny

Melissa McMillian-Cunningham, TETA Board of Directors
President / CEO

I'm always hopeful and enthusiastic at the beginning of a new academic year. There is a certain mystery as the year begins. To those who are not in the education business, my attitude and behavior in late August may seem strange. I find a support group of other educators who completely understand my excitement about shopping for new school supplies and who share my delight in rearranging my classroom (often more than once) to make it just right for 'opening day'. I have to admit that I occasionally struggle through the required orientation and inservice meetings; I find myself daydreaming about new approaches, techniques and content I want to share with my students. I long to be in my room preparing for what's really important: my students.

As I await the arrival of students on that first day, I experience emotions that are eerily familiar. It's like waiting backstage on opening night. I feel a strange combination of joy and anxiety peppered with a huge dash of 'Let's get this story started!' I find myself pondering this year's destiny and the sentiment “All of the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.” The first day is hugely important as this year's story begins with our unique cast of characters, conflicts and plot twists. While every year has its own timing and theatrical style, it opens with hope and curiosity in the hearts and minds of teachers and students on that first day. While our destiny may not be manifest, it certainly begins in those first exciting minutes.

After those emotionally charged, hope-filled minutes, the school year zooms by. Classes, fall show auditions, rehearsals, tests, opening nights, club meetings, and field trips come and go quickly. The holidays arrive, and we leave for them knowing that spring awaits with all its activity. We return and there are more auditions and the initial preparations for UIL OAP. At the end of January, TheatreFest sometimes feels like the intermission at the end of Act II; it's certainly an opportunity to recharge our creative batteries before Act III.

At TheatreFest a few years ago, I remember discussing the concept of 'paying it forward' with some of my dearest TETA friends. We all agreed that part of what we love about this organization, and more specifically SummerFest and TheatreFest, is the opportunity to 'give back' what we've been so graciously given by our own teachers/professors/mentors. Working on a committee or on the Board of Directors of the Texas Educational Theatre Association is an opportunity for service to educational theatre; it's an opportunity for sharing and teaching that extends beyond the walls of any single classroom. I am continually inspired by the dedication of the members of the Board of Directors and all the committee chairs who freely give their time to assist other teachers and students all over our state.

Keep in mind that TETA does not have an office! The work of the organization is done by individuals who live all over the state. The vast majority of these volunteers are full time teachers. The work of the organization is something which they do between classes and rehearsals and productions and personal lives. Naturally, these caring people are more than willing to share, and you can find them easily enough. If you need information, assistance or encouragement, do a little research on our website; click the committees tab and you'll find information about curriculum, auditions for scholarships, Institutional Membership and much more. The website includes a list of links to other theatre resources. You'll also find contact information for members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Governors, including the committee chairs who can assist you.

I encourage those of you who wish to serve to contact a member of one of the Boards or the committee chair in your area of interest. As Albert Schweitzer said “I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” I think that's as true in our organization as it is in our classrooms. Speaking for myself, I feel so fortunate to be entering my 31st year in our profession and serving the membership of TETA.

Whatever your destiny this school year, I hope that it brings you great delight and creative opportunity. I'll see you at TheatreFest 2013 in Houston!