Friday, November 2, 2012

Challenge Yourself

Eric C. Skiles, TETA Board of Directors
Vice President College / University

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of traveling to Northwestern Louisiana State to respond to their production of SMOKEY JOE’S CAFÉ. It was a delightful experience for many reasons…

#1 – I saw a fantastic production! What a pleasure to go view theatre that you haven’t had anything to do with outside of watching/enjoying!

#2 – I got to listen to Broadway show tunes and sing along LOUDLY in my car for the trip over AND the trip back – eight glorious hours – a naughty little pleasure.

#3 – I saw other theatre facilities. This always makes me simultaneously jealous and thankful. We each have our own wonderful spaces and wonderful challenges in our spaces!

#4 – I got to challenge myself as one of the KC-ACTF respondents. I had a chance to express my theatrical viewpoint to other theatre practitioners, both students and faculty.

Being a respondent is challenging…in such a good way. It helps everybody grow. Whether you are giving a UIL OAP critique, providing feedback to a colleague, or being an KC-ACTF respondent, it is a chance to share ideas and give someone else fresh insight into their work and processes.

There is, of course, a special art to a critique. We have to remember that our job is not to re-direct a show, or compare it to any other version of the show that has ever existed. It is a balancing act, a tight-rope walk. We don’t have answers; we just provide another set of eyes on the show. Hopefully, we spark some thought and discussion among the artists who have worked so diligently to entertain us.

Each of us has the chance to be involved as a respondent.

TETA-AO, the Adjudicator’s Organization that helps certify judges for One-Act Play is always looking for good, quality educators to participate in the HUGE number of festivals and meets that occur throughout the spring. Isn’t it handy that certification can be completed entirely at the State Conference in Houston in January!?!

KC-ACTF, or the Kennedy Center – American College Theatre Festival, needs respondent more than ever as new “stay at home” Participating productions continue to become a very popular “non-traveling” alternative to State Festivals.

Join your colleagues, see some great shows, and have a chance to express yourself! What could be better! So get out there, contact TETA-AO or KC-ACTF and CHALLENGE YOURSELF!