Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Welcome New K-12 TETA Members!

Sara A. Schochler
TETA Board of Directors
TETA K-12 Committee
Vice President

It’s Sunday night, my mind is absolutely swimming (drowning?) at the moment with tech week ahead for our all-school play, The Secret Garden, by Tim Kelly. Like most middle school theatre teachers, I am the sole director/tech director in charge of 76 7th and 8th grade actors and techies. I have answered approximately 26 emails tonight alone answering questions like- “What shoes is my daughter supposed to wear?”, “The Spirit Halloween Store has everything 50% off today! Is there anything you need for The Secret Garden?”, “I’m [a parent] going out of town the weekend of the show, is it OK if I attend the dress rehearsal?”, “Tech rehearsals go until 7:00PM? What are they going to eat for supper?”, and “Why do backstage crew have to wear all black clothing? My son has no pants.”

But amidst the typical barrage of questions from parents and students, something else has been on my mind for the past month or so; the new members of TETA who joined this summer at SummerFest 2013 at Baylor University. I hope that the workshops, engaging activities, inspiring speakers and guests gave them the charge and the inspiration to start their school year off right. Even more, I hope to see them at TheatreFest in Dallas in January.

TheatreFest 2014 is going to be a celebration of Texas educational theatre like no other. The special guest artists, workshops, exhibits, and special performances will have a lasting impression on all those who attend. For 100 or more K-12 theatre educators, this will be their first time to attend TheatreFest. They should try to attend Elementary Energizers, Middle School Madness or High School Histrionics, as well as Interest Meetings for their specific grade level(s), and the K-12 Business Meeting. It’s at this meeting that we will award 2 TETA members with a SummerFest 2014 Scholarship. Our theme is “Catching Fire: Discover and Ignite the Spark!” SummerFest 2014 will be help at McMurry University, in Abilene, Texas July 18-20, 2014. A new teacher (1-3 years classroom experience), and a “veteran” teacher will be awarded as well. Winners must be present to win! You won’t want to miss this opportunity!

Many new members might even want to learn more about this organization and attend the TETA Board of Directors Business Meeting which is open to all members. The Board of Directors has been heavily collaborating the past several months not only to ensure that TheatreFest will be exceptional, but also to maintain and protect positive relationships with its many groups or committees. TETA has many factions that conspire year-round to serve the membership. These sections within the Organization are led and comprised with some of the best theatre educators in the state, serving teachers, directors and students.

K-12 is one such section, making up almost 85% of TETA’s general membership.

Our goals are:

1. To promote and encourage theatre for youth in Texas.
2. To promote and encourage the establishment of theatre arts elementary and secondary schools in Texas.
3. To maintain high standards of instruction in K-12 theatre activities.
4. To promote and maintain a professional organization which provides a means of enrichment and cooperation among members at all levels of theatre in Texas.
5. To encourage the sharing of both established curricula and innovative approaches in theatre.
6. To encourage high professional standards of preparation and practices for elementary and secondary school teachers and directors, and to seek recognition and support of these standards by teacher training institutions and local, state, and federal governments.
7. To further the aims and objectives of TETA, Inc.

In the coming months, the K-12 Committee will work hard in preparation for SummerFest in Abilene. At TheatreFest, we will have an informational flier which will include local accommodations, university dorms, SummerFest 2014 Registration and Workshop Proposal Forms. Start thinking now about what workshops you’d like to present! It is my wish that all members of TETA leave TheatreFest 2014 not only rejuvenated for the year ahead, but also informed about our organization, how it functions and where it’s headed. We are committed to the K-12 Members of TETA and look forward to seeing everyone at TheatreFest 2014 in Dallas!

See you very soon!