Travis Poe
TETA Board of Directors
Greetings Theatre Educators! This is the first of many articles that I will compose over the next few years, and to be honest, I’m still somewhat floored that I am doing this. I am humbled that the TETA membership thinks me worthy to fill the office of President-Elect and to be part of a Board that will lead our professional organization to new horizons. I have a lot to absorb and will confess that I may not know everything I need to know. But knowing one’s weaknesses is the first step to acquiring knowledge.
I am most thankful to Philip Morgan of Waco ISD who filled this office dutifully and bravely set forth plans that lead to the re-organization of the present Board. His efforts spearheaded changes that will forever be a part of TETA’s history and for that I am truly and forever grateful.
As you are now reading this article, you cannot help but notice TETA’s new website designed by our awesome Communications Chair, Darve Smith. I think it more user-friendly and should prove to be an outlet of all things you need to know about our organization. Treasurer Rachel Mattox and President Marion Castleberry have truly tackled the toughest of jobs as we continue to reorganize and impact the future of TETA. Secretary Scott Allen is keeping us organized and on point. Past-President Melissa McMillan-Cunningham and K-12 Vice President, Sarah Schochler, have become valuable resources of actions and items that have transpired in the past. CU Vice-President, Mike Burnett, has proven to be most insightful in our BOD meetings. Each of these officers are diligently working in their respective areas to make TETA the greatest organization of its kind. As we continue to re-group, organize, learn and plan, know that ultimately our goal is to serve our members dutifully and with transparency.
I am pleased to announce our Founder’s Scholarship Winners from this year’s auditions. The High School Acting Scholarship winner is Joshua Riding of Claudia Taylor HS in San Antonio. His teacher is Suzanne Martin. LaBraska Washington of McLennan Theatre in Waco is the recipient of the College/University Acting Scholarship. His sponsoring professor is Dr. Cindy Sorelle. Our College/University Level Design Tech winner is Jasmine Shannon of Grayson College. Her professor is Tenna Matthews. Congratulations to all winners and their incredible teachers.
I will soon be looking for worthy members of TETA to nominate for offices that will come open in the near future. So don’t be surprised if you get a phone call or email from me.
Blessings for an awesome spring semester as you continue to touch and impact the lives of your students and Texas Theatre.