Sara Schochler
VP K12 Committee
The K-12 Committee is getting ready for SummerFest 2014, Catching Fire: Discover and Ignite Your Spark! This is looking to be one of the best TETA summer events ever! Please put it on your calendar for July 25-27 at McMurry University in Abilene, Texas.
Deadline to submit a Workshop Proposal: NOW!! We need them ASAP and it’s easier than ever to submit one. Just follow the link:
Deadline to Register: June 16th. It’s only $90 AND for registering early, you’ll get an awesome Catching Fire t-shirt for free!! Use this link to register:
I can think of many reasons WHY you should come to SummerFest in Abilene. Here are just a few:
More university/college-level and professional presenters.
- McMurry has projectors and screens in virtually every classroom.
- McMurry has DORMS for only $18 per bed (double or single occupancy)
- McMurry has a Mac Lab.
- Abilene has a great zoo, shopping, restaurants, mini-golf where they’ll do a Rocky Horror Show, a windmill park and a place where you can sit and see real prairie dogs!
- Abilene has The Historic Paramount Theatre- an 84 year-old beautifully renovated theatre!
- Abilene has The Grace Cultural Center and Museum
- Abilene has Abilene Christian University and Hardin Simmons University- both with outstanding theatre programs and faculty.
- Many would say the 2 BEST reasons are…. There are no students, and McMurry has free WiFi!
- Special Performances and Guest Speakers
- Improv and Organic Directing
- Playwriting
- Special Effects Make-up
- Wig-Making
- Costuming
- Rasaboxes
- Dance
- GOTE Characterization
- Lighting and Audio
- 3D Drafting and Design
- New Play Staged-Readings
- Dialects
- MS/Jr Thespians
- Managing School-Life and Home
- UIL OAP Contest Managers
- Script Swap!
- Elementary/Middle and High School Interest Meetings
Also, there are several K-12 Committee member positions that will be up for re-election or for new members to join our K-12 Team! If you are interested in becoming more involved in our great organization, you may nominate yourself or a friend! They do not have to be present at SummerFest to be nominated. If you have any questions, please contact our current VP-Elect, Janae Glanton at Nomination Forms will be available during SummerFest at the main Registration Desk.
The following spots will be open:
See you in Abilene! We’ll be Catching Fire!
The following spots will be open:
- Vice-President-Elect K-12
- HS At-Large
- MS At-Large
- Elementary Interest Chair
See you in Abilene! We’ll be Catching Fire!