Wednesday, September 17, 2014

TheatreFest 2015 – Together Towards Tomorrow!

Greetings Theatre Colleagues!

The new school year is well under way and with that the lovely, always-constant, dark circles under our eyes are present. Many of you have opened and closed shows already! Many of you are close to opening; like me and mine! And all of us are looking to see what happens next – whether that be another production, prepping students for auditions and of course, THEATREFEST 2015 – TOGETHER TOWARDS TOMORROW!

Written words cannot explain the excitement of energy that is ever-present in our preparation to celebrate the theatre educator in all of us. Like the proverbial phoenix that rises from the ashes, TETA is returning to the basis of why our founding fathers established our organization – to honor, train and celebrate theatre education!

I encourage you to return to TheatreFest and to our folds regardless of the reason for having missed in prior years. TETA is in the hands of capable and dedicated members who are diligently working to make it OUR organization once again. Our convention directors, Missey Head and Jerry Ivins, are organizing workshops and sessions with master teachers and guest artists that promise to make us greater educators! Preparations are being made to establish sessions that are teacher-based and student-based. TheatreFest will look different! TheatreFest will sound different! TheatreFest will run differently! So, come back! Come back to TheatreFest!
I realize that numerous people have not returned in past years because we as members weren’t privy to the organization’s financial records and where our monies were being spent, whether it was our personal funds or the funds of taxpayers. But no longer will that be the norm. The arduous task that our Treasurer, Rachel Mattox, has in establishing missing budgets – past and present, organizing/coding past expenditures and preparing our financial records for the filing of past tax returns is mind-boggling! Many would have thrown up their hands in desperation at the enormous undertaking that is required of this office. However, Rachel with the approval of the BoD, has the support and training of professional financial gurus who are making us a legitimate non-profit organization. One can only imagine how difficult it is to establish a budget and pay for bills from the previous year when there is nothing on which to base anything.

So for those of you who were not permitted to spend tax-payer dollars to attend past conventions, you and your administration can be assured that all is good with your organization. Again, come back and join us as we celebrate theatre education!

Did you know that scholarships are available to graduate students, hope-to-be teachers and already-in-the-trenches teachers? I encourage you to look at the TETA website to peruse the Founders’ Scholarship for Educational Theatre Students, the Upper-Division/Graduate Theatre Student Scholarship and the Lynn Murray Scholarship for Continuing Education. Some of these scholarships are rarely tapped! One even provides small stipends to a new educator! So for those of you in need of funds for college or graduate school, take the time to apply. The deadline for submitting all required documentation is December 1.

On the subject of scholarships, institutional member schools are now permitted to send a student that is classified as a junior to auditions. Please check out the audition portion of the website for additional information. The post-mark deadline will be here before we know it.

As many of you know, retired theatre teacher Gary Wyatt, passed away recently. Gary and his wife, Lydia taught for many years at Wimberly High School and established an often-winning theatre program. Gary and Lydia were worthy competitors whose path I crossed on numerous occasions at State back in my days in Conference AAA. I always knew that the work of their students would be top-notch! Gary will be missed. Anyone wishing to memorialize Gary may do so by making contributions to the JGW/LMW Lone Star Theatre, Wimberly High School, 100 Carney Lane, Wimberly TX, 78676.

Here’s wishing everyone continued success. Break-a-leg!

Travis Poe
TETA Board of Directors

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