TheatreFest 2016 is shaping up to be so promising with increased activities for the college/university group. I’ve been hearing lots of feedback about the need for more for our highest level of educators and it’s looking good for them. High School IM representatives have been developing workshops and preparing students for auditions.
Your IM committee is studying proposals that come from YOU, our IM schools, for ways to improve quality and quantity of advantages of being an Institutional Member. We hope each of your schools sends a representative to the breakfast (it is included as a benefit of being the school’s representative) and all attend the IM business meeting. There will be opportunities to join subcommittees and propose NEW methodology for gathering and sharing the trends of our ever-changing art. Our pre-convention meeting will be Thursday, January 28 @ 3pm if you want to volunteer in any way. If you have a proposal that you’d like to present, bring handouts and come to the planning meeting. We welcome your input and desire to re-energize our IM group.
See you in Dallas!
Jeanne Gilson
TETA CAPS Committee Chair
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