TheatreFest 2016 finds us back in Dallas. We are excited about the upcoming TheatreFest and excited to see all the student audition applications being submitted. Remind your students that the deadline to apply is December the 1st 2015. We continue to use the website to process all the applications. Information regarding the TheatreFest auditions can be found both on the getacceptd website and the TETA website under the TheatreFest Auditions section. However, I wanted to take the time to answer a few frequently asked questions.
What is my $50 audition fee used for?
For every application $15 dollars goes to the GetAcceptd team for the phenomenal job they do in organizing and maintaining the applications. They provide a clear way to fill out an application and distribute the applications to all of the Colleges and Universities who will be auditing your performances. The remaining $35 helps fray the costs of facilitating a smooth audition process; including providing coffee/breakfast, having a piano and accompanist, etc.
What happens after application deadline?
The audition coordinator will begin organizing audition times. Applicants will be organized by application submission date with students from Institutional Member schools receiving priority. In early January the student will receive an email including their audition number.
Who do I contact for questions regarding auditions?
The Audition coordinator is:
Jacob Davis
What is the call back process?
Call-Backs for Acting and Technical Theatre Students: Following the completion of the acting auditions on Saturday, an interview call-back session will be held for both actors and technicians. During this period, only candidates who are called back may talk directly to representatives of colleges and universities. Called-back individuals may bring a supply of resumes and headshots to the call-back session. Parents and Directors are NOT allowed in the Callback room.
Ten Tips to Consider for TETA 2016 Auditions (Thanks Jackie DeMontmollin for these):
- Be sure your kids have current updated SAT or ACT scores on their application. Scores are required to be submitted on GetAcceptd. Please let your kids know that information is important! Many Universities cannot seriously consider your students without this information.
- Make sure your students select audition pieces that are appropriate to their age and emotional range.
- Make sure your kids read the entire script so that they understand the context of the monologue.
- Time your kids. They must cut their pieces to under two minutes from the first moment to the closing moment of their monologues. They will be stopped by the timekeeper at two minutes. For technicians have them prepare a five minute presentation of their work. Have the technicians showcase their process and be prepared to answer questions. Auditors want to see how they ‘think’.
- The introduction for actors should consist of their name and the titles of the plays their monologues are from. Both actors and technicians will be given a number prior to the audition. They should say this number when they introduce themselves. (Note: Students should know the authors of their plays but will not be required to state the author’s name in the introduction for TETA 2016). It is important to rehearse the introduction, as it is part of the audition.
- It is best to select monologues from published play scripts.
- Avoid overly offensive, sexual or profane content. Avoid dialect pieces for this type of audition.
- Wear footwear that assists, not hinders the audition (heels that are too high are distracting and awkward).
- Business/Business casual attire is appreciated. Be sure the student is comfortable in the clothing as well. Remind your kids that an audition is like an interview and it benefits them to dress accordingly!
- Prepare your kids, both actors and technicians, for what questions to ask at callbacks. Remember, your kids are auditioning us too and they need to know what to ask so they can get the information they need to make informed choices!
I hope this information helps and if you have any questions as the year progresses please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Jacob Davis
TETA TheatreFest Auditions Coordinator
Tyler Junior College Theatre Professor
Jacob Davis
TETA TheatreFest Auditions Coordinator
Tyler Junior College Theatre Professor
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