Lindsey Ervi
TETA K-12 Board Elementary Interest Chair
In the Elementary schools, the first week of school is a lot of tying shoes, consoling crying kids (and parents), redirecting lost Kindergarteners, and enjoying the moments of quiet in your classroom after all the children have gone home. As we settle into the routine of school, we need to keep in mind how important movement is in the school day. That is one reason it is fantastic to have Theatre at the Elementary level.
Elementary age children need time to play, move, dance, and imagine, especially when most of their school day consists of being confined to a desk. But I’m preaching to the choir, I know.
My campus went through a workshop over the summer based on Eric Jensen’s Teaching with Poverty in Mind. Jensen says that students from poverty (as well as all students) can benefit from movement throughout the day. Simply standing up increases heart rate. Instead of raising their hand if they know the answer, a student could stand. Physical activity also produces glucose, which supports memory. So if you want your students to remember something, tie movement to it.
Movement can also change a student’s state of mind. Our students come to use with lots of “baggage,” that we may or may not be aware of. Asking the students to move about the room or move their bodies can shake them out of a crummy state of mind. The next time a student is distracted or giving you trouble, try asking them to stand up, clap twice, touch their toes, turn around, and sit down. Notice if their level of engagement has changed and state of mind changes. It just might be wacky enough to work!
By the way, thanks to the Elementary teachers who made it to SummerFest. Please continue to encourage the other Theatre teachers (especially Elementary) to attend TheatreFest in January and SummerFest in July. Tell them what a valuable experience it is and encourage them to present a workshop. The more of us who attend and present, the more workshops we have to attend. Have a great school year!