Saturday, November 5, 2011

TheatreFest Update

It is, indeed, your humble narrator and Convention Director, with a brief summary of what’s in store for you at TheatreFest 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Houston, January 27-29, 2012.

Have you noticed that Tony Award winner Brian Stokes Mitchell will be making an Encore appearance this year?  For those of you who were wowed by his performance at TheatreFest 2011 and those who joined me in multiple standing ovations when he appeared in concert in Dallas in September, this is your chance to see Stokes yet again.  For those of you who missed Stokes’ brilliant reconstruction of “The Impossible Dream” at TheatreFest 2011, you will not want to miss his 2012 TheatreFest appearance, which combines both interview (conducted by our own former Aldonza, Paula Rodriguez) AND performance (accompanied by the always brilliant Mary Ekler)!  A great event, currently scheduled for Friday, January 27 at 8:30pm. 

And do we have AMAZING NEWS for you about SATURDAY NIGHT’s SPECIAL GUEST?  Well, actually, no, we don’t.  Here’s the thing: Almost everyone is WORKING!  Haven’t they heard how bad the economy is?  In any event, we are still wooing a number of Broadway greats and will continue to look for just the right person for Saturday night’s spotlight.  Stay tuned for more details soon.

If you haven’t already done so, there are two things you should absolutely do as soon as possible:
            First, submit your registration forms with payment and make sure that we receive all forms and payments postmarked no later than December 1, 2011.  You not only save almost 30% on the regular $175 registration fee, but you’ll save lots of time by not having to register onsite (cash/credit cards/school checks only after December 1);
Second, be sure you have a room reserved at the Hyatt Regency.  This year’s convention rate again entitles up to four people to stay in a room for the same price as one.  It’s a great deal, but we were only able to get a limited number of rooms at this rate- almost one third less rooms than we normally have set aside for members.  Once those are gone, the hotel MAY (or may not) release additional rooms.  Take the stress out of guaranteeing you’ll have a room at the host hotel by reserving now.

Lastly, remember that while Registration opens at 8am on Friday, January 27, the Convocation and all programming do not begin until 1pm.  And here’s a final tip: You will want to be seated in the Imperial Ballroom from the very beginning of the Convocation, which starts PROMPTLY at 1pm.  Don’t say you weren’t given a ‘heads up’.

Rain or shine, ice or blue skies, we look forward to hosting you at TheatreFest 2012. With well over 200 programming choices, plus ongoing performances, scholarship opportunities, diverse exhibits, and learning opportunities covering almost every facet of educational theatre, this is an event you must not miss. 

Happy Holidays To All,
Gene Dickey