Friday, November 2, 2012

Playwriting Committee

David W. Crawford, TETA
PlayFest Chair

As I write this, the Play Writing Committee is in the throes of reading, rating, and evaluating scripts for High School, College, and Texas-Other categories of the 2012 TETA Play Fest Competition. The quality of scripts in the college category is hitting an all-time high. I am so pleased with the work of the college folk and wish we could award several rather than two. I urge you to make time at the convention to see these fine plays. These young people are deserving. Hats off to their professors!

I want to take this opportunity to thank my committee. As requested, they take home multiple scripts, evaluate and rank them, all within a very short deadline. These committee members are:

Eric Archilla, Jerry Ayers, Norman Bert, Linda Daughtery, Laurie Davis, Nikki Erickson, Nicholas Ewen, Emmitte Hall, Charlie Hukill, Ryan Ingrim, Karen King, Bradley Nies, Jon Mercer, Shellie O’Neil, Jon Perry, Carla Ford-Rich, Clarence Strickland and Michael Ward