Friday, November 2, 2012

Elementary at TheatreFest

Lindsey Ervi, TETA K-12 Board
Elementary Interest Chair

Shout out to all the Elementary Teachers out there! I hope your year is going as well as mine. We have had great changes on my campus that have helped me have a great attitude about going to work every day. My new principal has an amazing energy that has reinvigorated our school. Music in the hallways in the mornings and afternoons, lively announcements, and a real open-door policy makes the students and teachers want to be at school!

I also want to make sure you plan to attend TheatreFest! Yes, TheatreFest brings the High School students and Middle School Madness, but Elementary Energizers is where it’s at! Here are a few of the Elementary workshops to look forward to:

  • Elementary Energizers: This is a hodge podge of great lessons and stories from all the teachers who attend. Everyone will walk away with fresh, new ideas to use Monday in your classroom. And did I mention there are door prizes? 
  • Shakespeare, It’s Elementary Dear Watson: Shakespeare with Elementary? You must be crazy. Nope! Come find out how to incorporate Shakespeare’s genius into the Elementary classroom. 
  • Shadow Puppets: This workshop will give you lots of ideas about creating and manipulating shadow puppets with your students. Great for 3rd and 4th graders! 
  • Student-Centered Theatre: Become a facilitator to your students and make them do the work! After leaving this workshop, you will have a plethora of project-based resources to use immediately in your classroom. 
  • K-2, What to do?: Ever feel overwhelmed with 20 plus Kindergarteners in your room? This workshop will give you lots of lessons and stories that are perfect for the Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grade classrooms. 

And that’s just the workshops I know about! While attending all of these workshops, don’t forget to attend the Elementary Interest Group Meeting to let TETA know how they can better serve you and your classroom. Also, the exhibit hall has a ton of resources, such as costumes, plays, books, and technical materials. Personally, I always stock up on gaff tape (it’s like gold at my campus) and new plays (I’m am ever on the look-out). Of course, there are also the Special Guests, which remind me to dream big! Hearing from people who have had their dreams come true is always inspiring.

I can’t wait to see you all in Houston!