Monday, November 5, 2012

TheatreFest: Days of Future, Past (and Present)

Melissa McMillian-Cunningham, TETA Board of Directors
President / CEO

As the time for our gathering in Houston for TheatreFest 2013 rapidly approaches, I find moments to reflect on the days of TheatreFest past. While the memories that many of us share of the event may seem a bit like A Christmas Carol with resident guiding spirits, career/life-changing realizations, and renewed optimism, the best news is that our past is far from Dickensonian. Indeed, TheatreFest has provided so very much: instruction that has touched the lives of our students, scholarships for the best and the brightest, certification for adjudicators of the greatest play festival in the country, time well spent with colleagues, and very much more. When I count my blessings (and they are many), I find myself very grateful indeed for the event known as TheatreFest and how it has positively affected me as a professional theatre educator.

As I look back on the last few years, I'm touched to the point of being overwhelmed by the dedication and the philanthropic spirit of so many of you. The things I've seen happen at TheatreFest and SummerFest have been beautiful, fascinating and deeply moving. What an amazing organization with amazingly talented members! I have been honored to learn from you, collaborate with you and serve with you. I could make quite a long list of names of those individuals who have inspired me and supported me as a teacher as well as CEO/president of TETA, but I won't do that here. You know who you are; I look forward to January so I can thank you in person.

Speaking of January, TheatreFest 2013 promises to be another conference full of creative energy and quality programming. Thanks to Dr. Gene Dickey, Jenny Nichols and their convention team for the imagination, innovation and countless hours of hard work in preparing for the event. Thanks to the Board of Directors and the Board of Governors and your committees for your efforts and contributions to excellence in the art of theatre in our state. I hope that you truly realize the positive impact you have on the lives of so many.

As I prepare to pass the gavel to our creative and dynamic President-Elect Jackie deMontmollin, I know that the future holds even more opportunities and possibilities for the Texas Educational Theatre Association. I look forward to that bright future and to seeing all of you in January.

Melissa McMillian-Cunningham
CEO/President, Texas Educational Theatre Association