Tuesday, September 17, 2013

From the President

Nancy Jo Humfeld
TETA Board of Directors
President / CEO

Welcome to a new school year filled with lots of exciting things for your theatre program! It seems that summer goes so quickly, filled with lots of extracurricular activities, that it is always a surprise when fall arrives. I hope you enjoyed your summer, whatever endeavors you pursued, theatre or otherwise.

A number of you attended SummerFest this past July in Waco at Baylor University, and as I understand it, it was a huge success! Unfortunately I was unable to attend due to production responsibilities, but I have heard from many who attended who said that it was superb. Of the attendees, 40% were new to TETA which is not only a record, it is fantastic! How wonderful to have that many new folks become acquainted with TETA in such a positive and edifying way! Sara Schochler and her K-12 Committee are to be highly commended for doing such great work and providing a wonderful educational opportunity for so many this summer.

The TETA Board of Directors just had its fall meeting and I am pleased to tell you that things are going very well in our organization. As you will undoubtedly read in some of the other TTN articles, our members are involved in lots of activities supporting theatre education in the state. Darve Smith has been working on our new website and it should be up and running very soon with lots of new information. The Bylaws and Manual of Operations have both been updated and will be posted on the website as soon as possible as will the financials. The new website has a great new look and I think it will be easier for everyone to navigate. We are still working on updating information that has been unattended for quite a while. These will be added as they are available.

One of the main things that the Board is committed to doing is getting our members more involved throughout the year. Our committees are so valuable to our organization and yet it seems that sometimes we think of them only at the end of January each year. We need volunteers to work on these committees and I encourage you to become involved. Let the Board know of your desire to help and we will try to connect you with a committee where you will have a positive impact. For instance, we will be needing volunteers from all over to help with the CAPS committee. Beverly Murray is our new CAPS chair and she will be seeking folks from every corner of our state to help with certification and re-certification. This is a wonderful way that you can be a benefit to TETA. If you have other special skills or interests, please make them known to one of the Board members. We want as many people as possible to be an active part of the organization. To that end, please see the chart at the end of this article so that you know which Board member is the liaison for each committee. Any committees that function solely during TheatreFest are under the Convention Director (PlayFest, DesignFest, etc.).

Speaking of which, plans are coming along very well for TheatreFest 2014 in Dallas at the Hyatt Regency at Reunion. Our Convention Director will be passing along more information as it becomes available, but the number of workshops is impressive and you will not want to miss the special guests and featured guests. I think it will be the best ever and I hope that you can all make plans to join us in Dallas the end of January.

My best wishes to each of you for a wonderful fall season! I look forward to seeing you in January.

Board of Director Committee Assignments per the Bylaws

President Elect

President, Chair
President Elect
Past President   


Past President


CFO, Chair
President Elect

Governance and Nominations
President Elect
Past President


Paid Public Events
K12 (SummerFest Chair)

Public Affairs