Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Proposed By-Law Change

Aaron Adair
TETA Board of Directors

At the May 2013 Executive Board meeting the members of the Board of Directors voted unanimously to expand the number of Board of Directors from seven to eight by adding a member from the TETA Retirees Membership (see Article Four, Section Five and Article Five, Section Two). After much discussion, the Board was in agreement that this representative would bring much input and experience to the Board. It was also determined that should any vote of the Board of Directors end in a 4-4 tie as a result of this additional member, the President of TETA Board of Directors would recuse himself/herself from said vote.

Per TETA By-Laws, this additional board member position must be voted and approved by the membership at the next meeting, to be held during Texas TheatreFest 2014 in Dallas. As is required before any vote of the general membership, this notice will be posted twice between now and the next meeting. Thank you for your attention.