Melissa McMillian-Cunningham
Welcome to another issue of Texas Theatre Notes and another academic year!
One of the most worn books on my bookshelf is The Magic of Conflict: Turning a Life of Work Into a Work of Art by Thomas Crum. In this book, Crum suggests that conflict is an opportunity for change and growth. As theatre artists, all of us know that conflict is essential for a story.
As teachers, we know that unexpected conflicts will occur in our classrooms and on our campuses. Similarly, as artists and teachers, we are aware of the seemingly infinite emotions of characters and students, our administrators and ourselves. We come to realize that emotions are neither bad nor good, it's the actions we take based on those emotions that are bad or good. The same is true of conflict and change and growth, it's what we do with it that matters most.
At the beginning of any new academic year, educators and students alike know there will be challenges ahead. Presently, it seems there are more challenges ahead than we could have predicted a year ago. Some are minor. Some are huge. Some may excite us or inspire us to climb to new heights and meet new goals. Some may be absolutely terrifying or painful. Hopefully when a new challenge or conflict arises, we won't run away in fear (even if we truly want to). Even if the conflict is something we didn't chose for ourselves, we'll hopefully try to transform it into an opportunity to learn and grow and change in positive ways, That certainly sounds good. It sounds hopeful. It almost even sounds easy, but every one of us knows that it isn't. Conflict frequently brings frustration, anxiety, fear and pain. The resulting change can bring those things, too. However, after all the pain and struggle and fear is gone, there's often the unexpected birth of something new and beautiful. That's how it is in drama, and that's how it is in life.
Luckily, we have a lot of tools in our teacher tool boxes to deal with conflicts and changes. Back in July, 176 of you in the K-12 section gathered on the campus of Baylor University for TETA K-12 SummerFest 2011. Participants developed new skills in technical theatre, technology, acting and directing. They were also inspired by the words of Tom Waggoner, former Fine Arts Director of TEA whose speech is reprinted in this issue for the entire membership to enjoy.
Under the umbrella of our College/University section, TETA Adjudicator Organization is preparing for changes in the UIL adjudication process and, therefore, the training of adjudicators that takes place at TheatreFest. At our 2012 event, members who are becoming certified will learn about the changes in the system related to panel judging.
Another change is our return to Houston for TheatreFest 2012. In our last edition, Dr. Gene Dickey discussed that change. Changes in the economy and our educational system are things we must consider as we plan our events. While I understand that it is impossible to please everyone with any change, please know that this change of venue is a result of our efforts to provide a quality event while keeping the costs down for all of our members.
I wish you well in whatever challenges and changes this new academic year brings you, and I hope whatever conflict you experience will allow you to grow as educators, artists and individuals.